It makes the game a lot easier when you know exactly where the other team is every time they approach you. The indicator catches your attention even if you aren't looking at the mini-map. It includes multiple pistol kills, a rifle kill, and a couple tac knife kills. You can see the versatility of this class. If you're skeptical of the mini-map indicator, check out this video. There's no chance you would have known that guy was coming without this perk. If nothing shows on your mini-map, just keep rollin'. It is super liberating to run through buildings without looking carefully around every corner. This guy had a knife in his face before he even landed: You can line up for an easy tac knife kill, or start shooting before they even come into view. It almost feels like cheating to know when enemies are about to enter a room or are coming up behind you. It'll show as a red cone on your minimap whenever an enemy is close. We'll get into the tactical knife later, the biggest perk of this class is the mini-map indicator.